Daily Covid Cases dip further in Odisha; 625 in 24 Hours

Odisha Reports 872 New Covid Cases in last 24 hours
Odisha Reports 506 New Covid Cases in last 24 hours
  • Total Positive Cases increased to 1002323 and 986334 people have recovered from the disease so far
  • Zero Positive Cases in 4 Districts
  • Active cases decline to 8,443

Bhubaneswar: August 24: Odisha reported 625 new Covid Positive cases in last 24 hours. Of which, 80 cases are under the age group of 0-18. Also, out of 625 cases, 366 people were in quarantine tested positive and 259 are local contact cases.

Sate also registered 1032 new recoveries in last 24 hours.

Total Positive Cases increased to 1002323 and 986334 people have recovered from the disease so far.

Active cases stands at 8,443 in Odisha.

Khurda District remains to be the most-affected district with 214 new cases today. Rest other districts of Odisha have less than 100 cases each. No new covid positive patient was found from Balangir, Boudh, Sonepur and Nawarangpur District.

53,527 tests have been done in last 24 hours and daily positivity rate declines to 1.16 percent in Odisha.

Angul: 18, Balasore: 50, Bargarh: 06, Bhadrak: 08, Cuttack: 56, Deogarh: 09, Dhenkanal: 06, Gajapati: 2, Ganjam: 6, Jagatsinghpur: 38, Jajpur: 34, Jharsuguda: 3, Kalahandi: 3, Kandhamal: 2, Kendrapada: 09, Keonjhar: 18, Khurda: 214, Koraput: 11, Malkangiri: 1, Mayurbhanj: 7, Nayagarh: 10, Nuapada: 01,  Puri: 29, Rayagada: 12, Sambalpur: 18,Sundargarh: 06 and State Pool: 48

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