Easy Method To Remove the Pimples Using Only a Toothpaste

  1. Choose the right toothpaste
    It is really important to choose the perfect toothpaste for the process. Many brands have great results, but some of them might irritate the skin. You should avoid the brands that are not approved.
  2. Wash the face
    First, you should wash the face with water and soap. On that way you will be sure that the unfamiliar materials, which can affect the toothpaste, are removed.
  3. Wear gloves
    Before touching the toothpaste, you have to wear sterile gloves. This will remove the unhealthy substances on your face that might commit to skin irritation. If you can’t find gloves, you can use a facial sponge.

The next thing is to apply the toothpaste on the pimples. Put the toothpaste on the hands and cover the pimple. Make a toothpaste ring around the pimple.

  1. Allow the paste to dry
    After you apply the toothpaste, you need to leave the toothpaste to dry. Leave the toothpaste for a couple of hours. We advise you to apply the toothpaste in the evening, so it will dry during the night. The results will be great.
  2. Remove the dried toothpaste
    When the toothpaste is completely dry, remove the remained toothpaste. Peel it off, or wash it using a soft cloth or a sponge. You should be careful while you are removing the toothpaste because you might cause to rupture the pimple. Don’t scrub the toothpaste because you will irritate the pimple.

The effect of the toothpaste on the pimples
The toothpaste can remove the components that are the reason for the development of the pimples, and will leave you a clean skin.

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From this procedure, you can see that it is the cheapest form of removing the pimples. You just need warm water, cloves, toothpaste and a soft sponge. The toothpaste doesn’t involve technical and complicated procedures. You don’t need a professional for this method. The results will be amazing.

Source: Shakahari Blog


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