Implementation of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Access Control System at Paradip Port


Paradip, Nov 26: Paradip Port has taken a step forward with introduction of the modern RFID Access Control System for controlling and tracking the entry/exit of vehicular as well as human traffic into and out of its prohibited area. The implementation of the system was done as per the directives of the Ministry of Shipping (to this effect) which is applicable to all Major Ports. With introduction of the RFID System w.e.f. 26/09/’16, the (old) Paper Pass system earlier in place for the vehicles and the port Users has been scrapped.

The new RFID system is inherently accompanied with enhanced Maritime Security features. In addition, it also averts interface of the Port Users with the security personnel sentries while accessing the prohibited area of the Port. Faster and efficient movement of traffic across the gates leading to reduction in congestion at the gates, simplified online payment procedure, availability of real-time information on no. of different types of vehicles / equipment / Port User personnel inside the prohibited area, availability of Entry / Exit details of a particular person / vehicle inclusive of the gate no. instantly through which the traffic moved, are some of the added advantages of the new system. Retrieval of data pertaining to the entire period of time is also another advantage of the system.

The new RFID system is beneficial to the Port Users in that they can avail data related to their cargo inflow / outflow over any desired period of time. Besides the system also keeps a record of the details of the vehicles along with the credentials of drivers & helpers which can be retrieved from the system at a later date for verification / reconciliation / investigation if so required. Port Users are facilitated with additional convenience of one more HEP (Harbour Entry Permit) Issue Section and more counters compared to the earlier system of two HEP Issue Sections.

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The implementation of the RFID system has contributed to improvement in productivity of Paradip Port due to smooth movement of traffic across the gates. It is worth mentioning here that Paradip Port is the first among all Major Ports to have successfully implemented the RFID Access Control System adding yet another distinction to its string of achievements.

Source: PIB


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