Infant deaths in Odisha reduced, but still lack to the national average


Bhubaneswar, Nov 24: Kids grow fast die fast. On a latest data released by the sate government, the mortality rate of kids has reduced marginally as compared to other states. While 49 out of every 1000 babies die in Odisha, the national IMR is at 40. Since earlier it has reduced but still less than the national average.

The state has not seen any initiative been taken by the government to overcome the risk, although situations like the Tala Nagada malnutrition deaths and the recent Malkangiri JE deaths have created a havoc.

In states like Assam and Madhya Pradesh the rate is above 50, however the south state of Kerala has taken various primitive initiative to over come such situations and put a check on infant deaths which presently stands at 12, said the report.

As per UN’s report, of about 59 lakh infant deaths every year, India counts for around 12 lakhs. A major drawback in the deaths is due to proper malnutrition. Due to which children suffer from diseases like pneumonia, diarrhea, jaundice and other problems, which leads to a weak immune system and death.

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