Low Pressure To Hit Odisha 30th August: Skymet


Bhubaneswar, August 24: A cyclonic circulation is likely to form in the Bay of Bengal on the 30th August, forecasts the private metrological agency Skymet. The cyclonic circulation is expected to intensify in the next two days, with a slight hurricane expected by the 30th, says Skymet

Earlier, the agency had said that the low pressure would occur by the 28th. But as per today’s reports it has said, the storm may go wild by 30th.

August is considered an important month in terms of monsoon flow. Because it rains a lot this month. But August 2021 has turned into a dry August for the past few decades. It is expected to affect the annual rainfall as a whole. Earlier skymet had reported that, the rains this year has gone down by 60% below normal. In this regard, the low pressure at the end of the month has brought new hope. If light rains result from this low pressure effect, it will help fill the rainfall deficit.

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