MHA approves creation of additional 4227 posts in Delhi Police


New Delhi, Dec 31: with the approval of Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance has sanctioned 4227 additional posts in Delhi Police. The additional posts are for the purpose of separation of crime investigation and law & order functions.

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh said that the augmentation of manpower in Delhi Police will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of police. It will in turn improve the quality of investigation, expedite filing of charge sheets in professional manner and also accelerate the rate of disposal of the cases, Rajnath Singh mentioned.

The newly sanctioned posts will comprise of SI/ASI-1409, Head Constable-1409 and Constable-1409. The sanction of the additional posts will be operationalised in 2 phases i.e. 50% posts in 2016-17 and remaining 50% posts in 2017-18.

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