October 27
Odisha reported 549 new Covid Positive Cases and with this, Odisha’s total tally reached 10,39,818.
During same time period, 497 patients have recovered from the disease and total recoveries rose to 10,26,774.
Of 549 new cases, 70 are under 18 years’ of age. Also, it is reported that, 318 people were in quarantine and detected Positive. Rest 231 cases are local contact cases.
296 from Khurda District only
Khurda District reported 296 new cases, which is nearly 54 percent of Odisha’s daily cases reported today.
Six more districts reported cases in double digits and 16 districts in single digits. Rest 7 Districts do not have new case during last 24 hours.
Current Active Caseload remains at 4673. Daily Positivity Rate stands at 0.76 percent. 72,091 tests have been conducted in 24 hours.