Puri Jagmohan repair work to be completed by Jun 2 before Rath Yatra

Puri Shree Jagannath Temple Administration approves Rs 190 crore annual budget

Bhubaneswar, Apr 11: Today it has been announced by the  Odisha government that Jagmohan repairing will be completed by Jun 2. The Puri Collector Arvind Agarwal informed to media on the basis of the affidavit submitted by the Works Department before the HC. Officials of SJTA stated that as the festival of Rath Yatra is in June this year, hence the renovation work has to get completed before that. Earlier, the affidavit submiited ASI before the Orissa HC stated that the complete repair and restoration of the ancient ceiling of Jagmohan would be completed by Jun 2017 and steel framing of the ceiling will be completed as per schedule.

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