Bhubaneswar, July 28: Today the Nayapalli Police recorded the statement under Sec 161of CrPc, of Budhia Singh and his mother, Sukanti Singh on their return from Mumbai post their month, long disappearance, thus creating suspicion in everyone’s minds. Sources say that the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) will also record the statements of both soon.
Yesterday evening, putting a full stop to all doubts and suspicions, the spectacular Budhia Singh with his mother, Sukanti Singh returned to Bhubaneswar from Mumbai. He added he had been to to Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu with his mother for a vacation as said to the Kodaikanal Police and from there to Mumbai before returning to Bhubaneswar. The trip was sponsored by the producer’s of the movie. Post Budhia’s sudden disappearance flashed continuously as headlines, the Commissionerate traced both of them in Kodaikanal following which Budhia’s statement had been taken through the Kodaikanal police.
It may be noted that the ‘Budhia Singh: Born to Run’ movie on the amazing story of Budhia will be released all across the country on 5th of August.