Swachh Rail Abhiyaan by Eastern Railway

swachh rail abhiyaan by Eastern Railway

Kolkata: May 30:  Eastern Railway has launched ‘Swachh Rail Abhiyaan’ to improve cleanliness at stations, railway premises and trains. In addition to the regular cleanliness activities, feedback survey and third party assessment on cleanliness have been adopted to improve quality of cleanliness.

 In the month long cleanliness campaign from 25th May to 24 June, 2018, Eastern Railway has launched various programmes including cleanliness campaign, intensive cleanliness drive at station and railway premises, display of cleanliness posters, banners and performance of Nukkad natak for creating awareness of cleanliness. Suggestion & feedback from passengers, extensive CCTV monitoring, maintaining close interaction & liaison with housekeeping/cleaning staff/safaiwalas/ concerned supervisors are among the steps adopted to boost up morale. Imposing of penalty for creating nuisance in the railway premises as well as honouring of staff for maintaining cleanliness are also part of the activities.

 As a part of this, special cleanliness drive & awareness campaign conducted at Barddhaman station. Interaction with housekeeping staff, passengers were made for achieving their valuable suggestion and feedback. Cleanliness drive was also carried out at Howrah station recently in which focus area were drinking water booth, concourse & buffer end tracks alongwith drains and washable apron portions.

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