Total number of COVID-19 positive cases jumps to 74 in Odisha

Odisha reports 170 Covid-19 New Cases; No cases in10 Districts

Bhubaneswar: April 20: Six more persons have tested positive today in Odisha. Besides, today morning, seven new cases were reported. Till yesterday, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Odisha was 61 and now it has jumped to 74.

Out of these 74 cases in Odisha, 24 persons have recovered from COVID-19 and at present 49 active cases is there getting treatment in different COVID-19 hospitals of Odisha.

At information provided by government, out of the latest six new positive cases, one person is from Bisra in Sundergarh district while, five are from Jajpur District.

Out of the seven Positive cases identified today morning, five are from Bhadrak District. All of them are males. One of the two positive cases identified in Balasore District is a two year old female child and the other case identified from the district is a 32-year old male.

Health Department informed, out of the 13 positive cases reported today in Odisha, 10 cases are from Bhadrak and Jajpur (5 each). All these 10 cases have a recent travel history to West Bengal.

The Department has advised people with recent travel history to West Bengal to inform the local administration and stay in home quarantine. As tweeted by Governement:

10 persons of Bhadrak and Jajpur districts with travel history to West Bengal have tested positive for COVID-19 during last 24 hours. All with travel history to WB during last 28 days are requested to inform the local Sarpanch, BDO/Tahasildar and quarantine themselves at home.

Also Read  8 more persons recover from COVID-19 in Odisha


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