Bhubaneswar, Oct 3: With the L & D’s global mission is to focus on 3 C’s i.e. Collaborate, Co-Create & Contribute and the strategic aim is to create a pool of highly skilled people who can realize their full potential whilst accommodating the changing needs of our present generation,

Bhubaneswar chapter meet was held in the campus of VRCH, Gandamunda, Bhubaneswar said Shri Suryaprakash Mohapatra, founder of L&D Global and Global Training Head, WIPRO in Bhubaneswar chapter meet held in the campus of VRCH, Bhubaneswar, on the occasion of celebrating Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti & Lal Bahadur Shahstri Jayanti. He said true leadership inspires the people even in adverse situation.

At the beginning of the programme, tribute to Mahatma Gandhi & Lal Bahadur Shastri was paid and Shri Purna Rao, Convenor spoke about the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shahstri.  Dr. Ashok Kumar Sahu, Chapter Director delivered the welcome address. Lt. Col. Ashit Mahapatra, Chief Speaker said in his experience sharing presentation that a right team and true leadership definitely can bring success in thoughtfully logically designed start-up business focusing on customer’s pain.

Shri J. Padmanav Rao , Young Professional ,VRCH, Bhubaneswar made a presentation on National Career Service Portal elaborating its utility for jobseekers, employers, counsellors, local service providers, placement agencies and entrepreneurs which is one of the unique initiatives under Digital India ,Make in India and Skill India.

Shri Suryaprakash Mohapatra was the Chief Guest, Lt. Col Ashit Mahapatra, MD & CEO of Agri Link Food Processing, was the Chief Speaker. Shri A.N. Verma, GM-NTPC, Dr. Ashok Kumar Sahu, Chapter Director, Shri Purna Rao, Chapter Convenor , Shri Ram Kishor Sharma, Assistant Director-VRCH,  Bhubaneswar was the guest on Dais.

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Ms. Alkananda Swain anchored the event in a very creative way. At the end, three trainees of VRCH, Bhubaneswar were felicitated by L&D Global and Vote of thanks was proposed by Shri R. Mangesh Dash.


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