Women at Baripada ready to pull the chariot of Maa Subhadra as per tradition:

Rath Yatra

Baripada: July 07: People of Baripada have been celebrating Ratha Yatra today. As per the tradition, Ratha Yatra is celebrated in this district headquarter a day after the Car Festival in Puri. The chariot of Lord Balabhadra will be pulled by the devotees first followed by the chariots of Devi Subhadra and finally Lord Jagannath. Baripada’s Ratha Yatra is popular for its unique culture, pulling of  the Chariot or Ratha of Maa Subhadra, only by the women. Women not only from the district, but also from other districts rush to Baripada to participate in pulling of chariot as this is an exclusive opportunities for women. 

Earlier on Wednesday, the deities were brought to their respective chariots in ‘Goti Pahandi.

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