28 Fresh Cases Of Omicron Found In Odisha; Total Reached 103

28 Fresh Cases Of Omicron Found In Odisha; Total Reached 103
28 Fresh Cases Of Omicron Found In Odisha; Total Reached 103

January 10

Odisha reported 28 new cases of Omicron Variant of Covid-19, as per the data shared by the Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar.

The total number of Omicron infected cases has reached 103 in the State.

Two cases of Omicron cases were reported on December 21, 2021. They had returned from Qatar and Nigeria, respectively.

Odisha on Wednesday reported 24 more cases of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. With this, total tally rose to 61.

14 cases of Omicron were detected on Saturday, taking the State’s tally to 75.

Covid-19 Cases in Odisha is increasing very fast. Odisha reported 4,829 new cases in last 24 hours and yesterday, it had reported reported 4714 cases. Just 9 days’ back i.e. On 1st January State registered 298 cases and on 10th Jan, it is 4,829.

So, as predicted as well as witnessed in other parts of the country, it is spreading much faster than earlier two waves of Covid-19 Pandemic.

Khurda, Sundargarh, Sambalpur and Cuttack District of Odisha registered 933, 869, 644 and 401 Covid-19 cases respectively. These four districts contribute 59 per cent of daily cases reported today.

Out of 4,829 cases, 448 are under 18 years’ age, which means only 9 per cent cases are under the age group of 0-18.


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