New Delhi, April 12: Central Council for Research in homoeopathy (CCRH), an autonomous research body under the government, has signed two pacts with institutions of higher education of Canada and Armenia for cooperation in the field of Homoeopathy.
The two MoUs were signed between CCRH and College of Homoeopaths of Ontario in Canada and Yerevan State Medical University in Armenia during the two-day International Convention on World Homoeopathy Day organized here.
“CCRH has signed two MoUs with institutions of higher education of Canada and Armenia,” an official statement said.
Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik said that Homoeopathy has taken major scientific leaps in the past and its body of evidence is growing by the day.
Naik during the valedictory session expressed hope that signing of these MoUs was only the beginning and many such bilateral cooperations will be agreed upon in the times to come.
CCRH was established as an autonomous organisation in 1978 under the department of AYUSH.
A session each on challenges in education in Homoeopathy in India and global scenario of education in Homoeopathy was conducted where panelists discussed about the concerns and challenges in education in homoeopathy and how there could be standardization of education.
Another session on drug validation and drug development explored the therapeutic potential of nosodes (homoeopathic drugs prepared from disease material) and discussed the idea of reinventing nosodes.
The speakers of the session on harmonisation of pharmacopoeias and drug laws brought up many vital issues like regulation of homoeopathic medicines worldwide, need for a common international pharmacopoeia, pharmacopoeial standards on homoeopathic drugs amongst others.
Biomolecular research in homoeopathy was another session at the convention while there were many presentation on topics ranging from homeo-genomic approach towards personalized therapy of cancer, hypertension and oxidative stress parameters of kidney.
There were also discussions and presentations on clinical research including latest research updates, and role of Homoeopathy in malaria, dengue, natural disasters, brain injuries, chronic ear infection, sciatica and others.
The two-day event was organised to commemorate the 261st birth anniversary of the founder of Homoeopathy, Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, who was also a great scholar, linguist and acclaimed scientist.
Representatives from several countries, including Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Austria, Armenia, Canada, Israel, Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, France, UAE, Cuba, Nepal, Turkey, Argentina, Slovenia, Pakistan, Ghana and Kenya, are participating in the convention.