Centre asks State for tough action against dal hoarders


Bhubaneswar, March 3: Keeping in mind the critical situation occurred last year due to high-rise of pulses, including Arhar, the Union Government has asked the State Government to take stringent action against the hoarders in order to prevent such problems this year.

Union Consumer Affairs Secretary C Viswanath in a letter to the State Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Department has asked to engage Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation (OSCSC) for proper distribution of key commodities and to ensure that adequate pulses reach in vulnerable areas, besides augmenting storage facility.

The Union Secretary also has focused on invocation of Essential Commodities Act and Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act to prevent hoarding and black marketing.

Viswanth has also urged the Food Supply and Consumer Welfare Department to strengthen the price monitoring mechanism to ensure that price trends are well managed and action taken to prevent abnormal increases.

The letter stated that the Union Consumer Affairs Ministry will soon convene a meeting of all States in this regard.

The Centre also suggested the department to convene a meeting of dealers, milers and  consumers  to ensure proper distribution of pulses both in rural and urban areas.

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