Mumbai, Nov 17 Akshay Kumar has shared the first poster of his upcoming film “Airlift”, based on the biggest evacuation of Indians based in Kuwait during the Iraq-Kuwait war (1990-91).
The movie, directed by Raja Krishna Menon, also stars actress Nimrat Kaur.
The black-and-white poster shows an aircraft flying above a runway, laden with smoke and fume.
Akhya kumar tweeted, “How many people know about the Kuwait evacuation? I’m proud to be part of a film that brings this true story alive.”
He also shared another black-and-white image, showing him sporting a serious look.
Co-producer Nikkhil Advani shared the poster on Twitter and captioned it, “The sad thing is we really don’t need to RewindTo1990. The innocent are still the collateral damage in any war.”
The film releases on January 22, 2016.