Investigation on DQ irregularities to be completed within next 2/3 months:


Bhubaneswar, April 16: All concerned departments related to DQ irregularities, have to complete investigation within two-three months. The directive was given by chief secretary Aditya Prasad Padhi at a high level review meeting at the State Secretariat here today. Officers led by Chief Secretary reviewed the progress in the investigation into the irregularities in DQ allotment as per the recommendation of Special Task Force led by former Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Tara Datt.

Briefing to the Media Persons, CS said, “there has been a good progress in the investigation by the aforesaid departments, there are other aspects of the probe which need to be addressed.’

Sources said that out of a total of 732 allottees on whom BDA had served notices, 653 have replied while CDA has received replies from 914 allotees out of a total of 1091 allottees. Besides, OSHB has served notices on 90 allottees. State Vigilance has registered criminal cases against 24 allotees for fraudulently taking possession of plots/flats through false affidavits and also, BDA has cancelled 11 plots under DQ.

“The primary focus is on personal hearing of the allottees on whom the notices have been served,” Padhi said, adding that the Finance department is in the process of preparation of a database on DQ allotment made after 1995.

The meeting was attended by senior officials of the State Vigilance, Finance, Urban Development and General Administration (GA) departments, Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA), Cuttack Development Authority (CDA) and Odisha State Housing Board (OSHB).

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