Over 1.6 lakh posts vacant in State

Sagarmala Young Professional Scheme For Engagement Young Professionals In MoPSW
Sagarmala Young Professional Scheme For Engagement Young Professionals In MoPSW

Bhubaneswar, March 29: State government has not made any Establishment Review of vacant posts in the State in the last three years, Finance Minister Pradeep Amat informed State Assembly on Monday.

Replying to BJP MLA Dillip Ray’s question, Amat said the last review was made in 2013.

As many as 1, 64,328 posts were found vacant during the last review, he said.

He said as many as 6,187 class I posts, 7,224 Class II posts and 1,23, 683 Class III posts are lying vacant as per the last review in different departments of the government, Amat informed the House.

The vacancy in Class IV posts are to the tune of 17,388, Amat said adding as many as 10,846 posts of teachers in Grant in Aid educational institutions are also vacant.

The vacancies in School and Mass Education Department stood at 75, 072 while it was 17,182 in Home Department, 13,004 in Health & Family Welfare Department and 10,519 in Revenue Department, he said.

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