Bhubaneswar records 332 fresh Corona Positive Cases; Total tally stands at 7,931

Odisha Reports 872 New Covid Cases in last 24 hours
Odisha Reports 506 New Covid Cases in last 24 hours

Bhubaneswar: August 25: Bhubaneswar registers 332 fresh Corona Positive Cases in 24 hours (till 9 am of 25th August). Out of that 173 people were in Quarantine & rest 159 are Local Contact Cases.

With this, total cases in Bhubaneswar (BMC Area) increased to 7,931.

Today, 163 patients from Bhubaneswar have recovered from the disease and total number of recovered cases rose to 4,726.

With one more death reported today, total death toll in Bhubaneswar climbed to 34.

As per BMC’s tweet, 3,162 cases are active in Bhubaneswar.

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